Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cue the hate mail

Brook says the GOP spending freeze proposal is insane (h/t Think Progress). And mentions Limbaugh in an unflattering way. I'm sure his inbox is already full of hate mail.

UPDATE: Steve Benen adds:
On this, Brooks couldn't be more correct. But what I'm especially impressed with is his willingness, in this case, to lay it on the line. There's no sugar-coating -- what Republican leaders are proposing is "insane." There's no defense for such madness, and Brooks did the audience a service by saying so.

At the risk of sounding picky, I'd just add one small caveat, though. GOP lawmakers are "stuck with Reagan" and a pre-recession mindset; this much is obvious. But what occasionally bears repeating is that they don't even remember Reagan especially well. Reality may be blasphemous in some Republican circles but the inconvenient truth is Reagan raised taxes. He raised them several times. In 1982, the same conservative Republicans -- with Gingrich and the WSJ editorial page, I mean that literally -- who are whining incessantly about President Obama's proposed tax increases on the wealthy are the same ones who complained bitterly about Reagan's tax increases.

Brooks is right; conservative Republican lawmakers want desperately to turn back the clock to how they perceive the 1980s. But they're not only wrong about today's economy, they're not even getting the '80s right.

They were wrong about Reagan's tax increases. They were wrong about Clinton's tax increases. They were wrong about Bush's tax cuts. And now, they're wrong again about Obama's tax policy while simultaneously pushing "insane" ideas.

If they could just let the grown-ups talk for a while, we'd all be better off.

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