Thursday, February 26, 2009

It smells like CPAC is in town.

thers on Stupid Dumb II: The Dumbening on a Serious and Indeed Cutting-Edge Young Conservative Thinker on the Issue of Making Conservatism Once More Relevant. "..." This stuff is coming pre-parodied. The last sentence especially is not fair, as it could not be made up.

Joe Sudbay tells us that The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) convenes today here in DC.
It's the biggest gathering of the most extreme of the right wingers and convenes with a speech from the leader of the GOP, Rush Limbaugh.

This year, CPAC is meeting against the backdrop of a Republican Party on the verge of civil war.
It's quite amazing just how out in the open their battles have become. How fun.

I'll probably wander over to the Omni to check out CPAC today or tomorrow. It's a frightening gathering, sort of like a bad movie featuring a cast of braindead clones intent on destroying those who don't think or look like them.

Think Progress:
Limbaugh To Convene A ‘Female Summit’ To Figure Out Why Women Hate Him
Rush later followed up, saying, “The first unsolicited reports from the upcoming female summit already in. They’re saying it’s a waste of time, women will not like me any more than the ones that already do, that you have to be an Oprah today in the media to attract.” He said that he was nevertheless still intent on holding a summit.

Daily KOS- DemfromCT's Your Abbreviated Pundit Round-up

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